Meet Dr. Jason Sayer


Jason Sayer, D.M.D.

As the son of a dentist, endodontist Jason Sayer has been involved with dentistry his entire life. A 2004 graduate of the Medical College of Georgia, he practiced dentistry for several years before pursuing specialty training in endodontics. After completing a fellowship at the University of Alabama - Birmingham, which includes advanced training in the treatment of routine as well as complex root canals and associated surgeries, he began his practice of endodontics here in the Augusta area.

"An endodontist is someone who specializes in saving teeth. General dentists often refer patients needing root canal treatment to an endodontist, who is a valuable partner in your general dentist's team of trusted caregivers."

He recalls being drawn to the specialty by a traumatic experience involving a child. "A young girl came to see us having fractured and displaced several of her front teeth. We partnered with an endodontist who helped us treat what appeared to be a hopeless scenario, and ultimately saved her front teeth. It was incredibly fulfilling to see this young child's smile restored, and ultimately propelled me to pursue additional training in endodontics."

From the initial phone call to the completion of treatment, the endodontist and his staff try to put their patients at ease.

"We do everything we can to make our patients feel comfortable about their treatment. This starts by involving our patients with the treatment process, and explaining how we can help save their teeth." He adds that root canals are not nearly as painful as people make them out to be. With modern anesthetics, most pateints report little to no discomfort during the procedure. "We utilize state-of-the-art technology such as operating microscopes, fiber optics, ultrasonic instrumentation, and digital imaging to deliver the highest quality of care. Our imaging techniques have allowed us to reduce exposure by as much as 90%." Additionally, advanced technologies along with specialized techniques give an endodontist a very accurate view of the tooth, and allow them to treat a patient very quickly and comfortably. "Most patients are pleasantly surprised once their treatment has been completed."

Dr. Sayer is Past-President of the Eastern District Dental Society, as well as member of the Augusta Dental Society, the Georgia Dental Association, the American Dental Association, and the American Association of Endodontists.